Lab: 20 Solubility Inquiry Lab

I. Introduction: The purpose of the lab was to identify an unknown solid using the experimental data and known solubility data. What we did to achieve the identity of the solid was create a procedure. In this lab, we used the graph of the solubility curves of three known solids (NaCl, NaNO3, and KNO3) in order to identify an unknown solid. We first chose a temperature to test the solid, which was about 50 degrees celsius. We chose this because the three solubility curves were very far apart at 50 degrees celsius, so we could easily tell the difference between the three solids. Next, we looked at the solubility curves at 50 degrees and used 5 grams of the solid because the solids were most dispersed at that point.

II. Definitions: 
 - Solute is the substance that is dissolved.
- The solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute.
- Solubility is the measurement of how much solute will dissolve in water. 

III. Procedure: First, we measured out 10 mL of water and poured that into a big beaker. Then, we  heated it on a hot plate, until it reached 50 degrees Celsius. We then poured 10 mL of the water in the large beaker to the small beaker, once the temperature reached 50 degrees celsius. We then poured 5 grams of our solid into the beaker and waited for it to dissolve. We chose this temperature and mass because the three solubility curves were very far apart at 50 degrees celsius and 5.0 grams so we could easily tell the difference between the three solids. After stirring for about 2 minutes, we decided that the solid was not dissolving and that our unknown solid was NaCl because that was the solid that was on the  solubility curve that 5 grams was on.

IV. Data: 

V. Conclusion:  Our unknown solid was NaCl, or sodium chloride. This is because when we dissolved 5 grams of the solid into 10 mL of water at 50 degrees celsius, the NaCl did not dissolve. Also, NaCl becomes saturated when 5 g are dissolved into 10 mL of water at 50 degrees. Therefore we can conclude that NaCl is the unknown solid.



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