Lab 4: Atomic Mass of Candium


Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to determine the average atomic mass (amu) of the element candium, given 3 samples of candium isotopes, Regular M & M's, Skittle, and pretzel M&M's.

Average Atomic Mass: 1.053 amu was the average atomic  mass we found for candium.

II. Conclusions and Questions

1.) Ask a group nearby what their average atomic mass was. Why would your average atomic mass be different than theirs?

Another group's average atomic mass was 1.100 amus. Our average was different from theirs because each isotope varied in amount and total weights. Also, the sample sizes were not very large, so there were more differences.

2.)If larger samples of candium were used, for example if I gave you a whole backpack filled with candium, would the differences between your average atomic mass and others' average atomic masses be bigger or smaller? Defend your answer.

The differences would be smaller because, there would be much smaller variation in the data. So therefore there would be less outliers throwing off the data.

3.)If you took any piece of candium from your sample and placed it on the balance, would it have the exact average atomic mass that you calculated? Why or why not?

A random piece of candium from a sample wouldn't have the exact average atomic mass that we had. This is due to the fact that every piece of candium is not the same and could be different in size and mass. Also, it is almost impossible for a data point to be at the average, but it is very likely for it to be close.


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