Lab 1: Density Block Lab

The Density Block lab experiment was performed to calulcate the mass of a plastic block given its density and indirectly its volume. Density can be defined as the amount of matter present in a given volume of a substance. The purpose of this lab was to test our accuracy and precision using the ruler to find the mass of a plastic block. Therefore, to prove our accuracy, we needed to note the percent error in our calculated mass compared to the actual mass. Anything below 5 percent was considered to be worthy.The materials we were given for this lab was a sole ruler and a block labeled with the density. The first task we did when we got the block was record its density in our lab books. Next we measured the length(L), width(W), and height(H) of the block. We then multiplied those sides together, thus achieving the volume. After, we used the density formula and converted it to equal mass, (m=dv). Then, we plugged the measurement into the variables, thus achieving the mass of the block. Finally we compared the experimental mass that we calculated to the actually mass and determined our percent error through a formula.(Actual - Experimental/ Actual , then multiplied by a 100). We had to repeat this process two times to achieve full accuracy. The data of the first trial was with a block with the density of .47g. The calculated mass we got was 6.5g and the actual mass was 7.6g. Therefore our percent error was 14 percent. The data of our second trial was with a block with the density of 1.7g. The calculated mass we got was 25.3g and the actual mass was 26g. This left us with a percent error of 2 percent. In conclusion we have seemed to fulfilled the purpose of this lab as we were under 2 percent in error of our measurements and we have seemed to find the almost correct mass of the block. The possible error that our experiment produced was the inaccurate measurement of our human hand. We learned from our lab that we have to measure as accurate as possible and record the units. In future labs we will do what we did except be more careful to measure more accurately. 
                                        (Pictures of materials)
Image result for ruler
Image result for square block


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