
Lab: 20 Solubility Inquiry Lab

I. Introduction:  The purpose of the lab was to identify an unknown solid using the experimental data and known solubility data. What we did to achieve the identity of the solid was create a procedure.  In this lab, we used the graph of the solubility curves of three known solids (NaCl, NaNO3, and KNO3) in order to identify an unknown solid. We first chose a temperature to test the solid, which was about 50 degrees celsius. We chose this because the three solubility curves were very far apart at 50 degrees celsius, so we could easily tell the difference between the three solids. Next, we looked at the solubility curves at 50 degrees and used 5 grams of the solid because the solids were most  dispersed at that point. II. Definitions:   - Solute is the substance that is dissolved. - The solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute. - Solubility is the measurement of how much solute will dissolve in water.  III. Procedure:  First, we measured out 10 mL of water and po

Lab 18: Alka Seltzer and the Ideal Gas Law

I. Introduction:   In this lab the purpose was to measure the reaction between Alka Seltzer and water and to  determine the mass of the gas produced. What we did was, first we smashed up an alka seltzer tablet and put it inside a balloon. We then put the balloon over a graduated cylinder full of water and as the two substances combined, CO2 was produced and collected in the balloon. After all the gas had been created we measured the circumference of the balloon. We then emptied the gas and refilled the balloon with water until it had the same circumference. From this we were able to measure the water and find the volume. Through a series of calculations , we were able to conclude that the mass of CO2 was around 1.26 grams in our experiment. II. Data:  III. Calculations:  (Setup) IV: Analysis Questions:  1. Discuss an area in this lab where experimental error may have occurred. There are many instances where an experimental error may have occurred  For exam

Lab 16: Specific Heat of a Metal

I. Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to  identify an unknown metal by determining its specific heat. To find the unknown metal,   we first put the metal block in water and put it on a hot plate. Once the water boiled, we took the metal out and placed it into a cup of cold water. We measured the temperature change of the metal indirectly by using the coffee cup and the water.  After we recorded  the data, we  calculated the heat gained by the water and then. Using the heat gained and the data collected, we calculated the specific heat of the metal. Finally, we compared our calculated specific heat to a table of metals and their  specific heats and found what our metal was. II. Data:  III.Calculations:  IV. Picture of Setup:  V: Specific Heat and Identification: The specific heat of our metal was 378.9  J/kgC. The closest metal to this specific heat was brass so we identified our metal as brass. VI: Error: Although our experimental yield was very close

Lab 15: Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions

I.Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to observe 5 substances and observe the differences in temperature of these substances as they evaporated based on their intermolecular forces. We had to measure the temperature of these 5 substances using a LabQuest device  over a 240 second period and record the Initial and Final temperatures of these substances. Finally we had to find the difference (Final- Initial) and compare these to the other substances based on their intermolecular forces. II. Pre Lab Table:  III. Data Table:  IV. Lab Questions:  1.)  Explain the differences in the difference in temperature of these substances as they evaporated. Explain your results in terms of intermolecular forces. The differences in temperature of the five substances varied a lot  because the intermolecular forces of every substances were different. H2O had the smallest difference because its intermolecular force was strong, so it was harder for it to evaporate.  Methanol had t

Lab 14: Create a Smell Lab: Ester Synthesis

I.Introduction: The purpose of this lab was that as combine different acids with alcohol to synthesize  three esters, in order to find what kind of chemical change occurred and to find what the esters smelled like after the chemical change.  We had 3 types of mixtures and each had a different type of alcohol placed inside of it. We had to record the smell of the mixture before we heated them and compare them to how they changed after we heated the mixtures. II. Data Table:  III. Pictures: Test  Tube I smelled like: Test Tube E smelled like: Test Tube M smelled like:  Picture of Tubes being heated:  IV. Analysis Questions: 

Lab 12: Electron Configuration Battleship

I. Picture of My Setup:  II. Biggest Challenge: My biggest challenge playing was trying to do the electron configurations in my head. Also trying to solve the f block configuration in my head was extremely challenging. III. What I Learned: I learned how to solve electron configuration faster and efficiently using the periodic table. 

Lab 11: Flame Test Lab

I. Introduction:  The purpose of this lab was to observe how certain atoms react and release energy within different compounds and solutions. We performed the lab by taking samples of the nine compounds and held them over a bunsen burner. Then, we observed any color or texture changes and recorded them. We also had identify two unknown chlorine compounds using flame tests. To identify the two unknowns, we compared their flame colors to those of the other eight compounds and assumed the solution based of this. II. Pre Lab Questions: III. Data:  IV. Analysis Questions:  Picture of LiCl emitting Pink Light: